Remember when I told you about the gray wolf being kicked off the Endangered Species list? And we signed that petition urging Ken Salazar to reconsider this problematic decision?
Well, he didn't. And they were.
Beginning May 4, it's open season on gray wolves in the Northern Rockies. All but 300 of the 1,300 wolves in Montana and Idaho can be legally killed and Idaho - which is home to the majority of the U.S.'s gray wolves - has already declared its intent to kill more than half of its wolf population within the year. The Northern Rockies is thought to have about 1,600 wolves total in the region.
After we spent so much time (over 30 years!), energy and [government] money on reviving the gray wolf species, what sense does it make to turn around and sign legislation allowing their population to be immediately decimated?
Why, none of course.
Defenders of Wildlife plan to sue Salazar as soon as possible.
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