Thursday, April 9, 2009

Doga: Yoga for You & Your Dog

A new trend is on the rise: doga, otherwise known as yoga for you and your dog.

All over America and even in Canada and Japan, people are bringing their dogs to these special yoga classes. Each class is comprised of yoga stretches for humans, who use their dog as extra weight or to stretch over/around, as well as stretches and massages for the dogs. The class is aimed at bringing dogs and their people together, as a way to spend time with one another doing something beneficial for both of their minds and bodies.

Of course, my first thought when I read about doga was "Psh, my dog would NEVER do that!" He gets too excited around new people and especially around other dogs. I just can't imagine him calming down enough for me to get a handle on him to do something soothing. It's been said, though, that even dogs who seem too worked up at the beginning usually calm down after doga class begins. They become relaxed as you rub and stretch them.

If you are interested in trying Doga you can Google around for a place near you, as there doesn't yet seem to be a specific site dedicated to helping the search for doga classes in particular areas. Otherwise, Suzi Teitelman and her dog Coali are releasing the first doga video later this year.

Now, I know that not all dogs are like mine, so I can see how doga could be beneficial to some dogs and their owners. Personally, I am not into yoga so maybe that's why this doesn't have any special pull for me. But if yoga is your thing and you've got a special dog in your life, maybe this is a really cool way to bring two things you love together.

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