A 32-year-old woman climbed a fence and went through prickly bushes surrounding the polar bear habitat at the Berlin Zoo in Germany on Friday, then jumped in during feeding time.
I think the question on everyone's mind is: What the hell was she thinking?
Unfortunately, no one knows. But reports say that she seemed elated at first as she swam toward the bears, only to have them bite her arms and legs. The woman was rescued with floating rings that rescuers used to hoist her out of the habitat. The rings were also used to distract the hungry bears from further mauling her. She remains in the hospital for treatment for her injuries.
I hope she learned her lesson. I also hope that anyone else thinking of launching themselves into the enclosed area of large, carnivorous predators at feeding time (or at all) will remember how that went down for this lady. I mean...just don't do it. Bears - or any wild animal, for that matter - are not your friends. Admire their cuteness from a distance if you value you life, limbs, and whether other people think you are sane.
For more photos of the woman in the polar bear habitat, including a video of her rescue, go here.
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