For those who celebrate Easter, and for those of you who don't but are overwhelmed by Easter paraphernalia beginning February 15th anyway, you've probably noticed the increased supply of real bunnies around this time. Pet stores gear up for the impulsive parents who think that getting their kid a real, live bunny for Easter is a great idea - without doing any research on what it actually means to care for a pet rabbit. Every year after Easter, rescues all over the country experience a significant swell in rabbits being surrendered by folks who can't or won't take care of them anymore. This year, though, there's a great alternative to consider.
Drum roll, please....
Ta-da! You can adopt a stuffed rabbit!
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, the world's leader in animal rescue and a champion of animal rights, has teamed up with StuffedAdoption.com to bring you these stuffed rabbits who represent real rabbits in shelters across America. Each bunny comes with a story and some personality background, and they range in price from $12-$20 - pretty affordable! Best of all, a portion of the proceeds from each bunny sold will go to Best Friends' renovations of Bunny House, the rabbit portion of their sanctuary. Or maybe best of all is that you won't end up with chewed cables & wires all over your house.
By opting for the stuffed bunny, it also gives you a great opportunity to talk with your kid(s) about animal rescue and to stress the importance of making sure you are ready to take on responsibility for another life before adopting a real pet. Not to mention that it's easier to take a stuffed bunny to show-and-tell than the live version anyway.
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